
One of these stories is true

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Kaity-Chameleon's avatar

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I used to have a job delivering pizzas. One cold night I was making a delivery to a corner house on an unnervingly ill-lit street. I got to the house and knocked on the door and two or three minutes later an older man opened the door; I’m not good with ages, but I’d say he was probably late forties or early fifties. He seemed very nice and thanked me for delivering the pizza but then invited me inside, saying that he had forgotten to grab money before he answered the door.

Of course I declined right away with a polite “No thank you”, but he was rather insistent, trying to use the cold to convince me.

I was starting to get creeped out and figured it was better to just leave, money or not. I had just turned to leave when I was suddenly pushed backward by another man I had not even heard come up behind me.

The second man I did not see too well or if I did I really don’t remember because after that the first man grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into the house. Details get a little fuzzy here, as I was starting to panic; I was a young lady out at night and almost no one knew where I was.

All I really remember is the guy who answered the door had a hold of my wrist and the other had me around the waist (lucky for me I was fairly overweight at the time, so carrying me for an extended period proved to be difficult). By some miracle I had a clear thought to fight back and clawed with my free hand at the door guy; my nails were chipped, so they left a few thin lines of red on his face. I pull my hand free from door guy with a bit too much force and elbow the guy trying to carry me in the side of the head, probably hitting his temple judging from his reaction.

As soon as he let go of me, I ran out the door screaming, jumped into my car and sped off. I might’ve done a bit of damage to the paint job or bumper of my car on my way out, but whatever.

The police station is on the way to the place I work, so I ran in and told them everything before contacting my boss and explaining what had happened. The guys were caught pretty quickly, but I also quit my job right after.

After we moved, my mother (who’s a very spiritual woman, by the way. In many ways), mentioned that there had been a bad presence in the house.

What’s creepy about this is that one night while we were still living there, I woke up in the middle of the night, facing away from my door which was strange because I would always fall asleep facing my door. What made this scary was the feeling that someone was very close to me and that I was being watched as well as my cat hissing.

All these things together left me absolutely petrified. The entire time I kept telling myself that there was no one there and to just sit up and look at my door, but every time I was about to do it, I’d once again freeze up. This went on for probably a half an hour before I finally built up the courage to actually look, but by then my cat had stopped hissing and the uncomfortable feelings had started to fade.

There was nothing there, but that didn’t stop me from taking the screama stick I kept by my bed and doing a full search of my house, turning on all lights as I went. The house was free of intruders, but I still took several hours to fall back asleep after that experience.

This happened back when I was really little; I don’t even remember how old I was, but it’s also irrelevant. My brother was friends with a boy named Jeff and I was friends with his little brother Doug, so we spent a lot of time hanging out, particularly at Jeff’s house. It got to the point that I could have navigated their house with my eyes closed.

So one night my brother and I were staying over for a sleepover, and after playing video games for a few hours, we go into the living room to watch cartoons and fall asleep. Around this time it starts to rain pretty heavily, but we think nothing of it; none of us are afraid of storms.

Suddenly their dog runs to the front door and starts barking like crazy.

I look at Jeff and ask, “Is something wrong with her?” I had never heard her bark like that before, so I was concerned.

Jeff shook his head and casually said, “No, she only barks like that when someone’s walking up to the house.”

We simultaneously seem to realize what that meant and look toward the front door in the next room. We sit there for about five minutes with the dog still barking and absolutely no one comes to the door to knock.

We suddenly hear a loud bang from somewhere outside and start screaming. The four of us ran straight to Jeff’s mother and woke her, explaining what had happened. She tells us to stay in her room and if she yells call the police.

I don’t know how long we sat there, but eventually Jeff’s mom did come back and tell us everything is fine. We were a bit shaken, so rather than going to bed, sat in the living room with all the lights on and watched cartoons until we each fell asleep.

The other two are made up. Can you figure out which is which?

I Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally want to keep writing my stories, but I can't seem to get the inspiration to work on current chapters and I'm already stumped on the 100 theme challenge romance really isn't my forte... So I wrote this up while listening to some true scary stories, hoping to inspire myself.
It sort of worked, and this was pretty fun...and I'm curious to see how many people can find the true story.

Have fun~
© 2015 - 2024 Kaity-Chameleon
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SleeplesslyDreaming's avatar
number three is the right one. From what I know you've never been a pizza delivery girl and if you were you would've WRECKED their shit, you don't have a cat last I checked and the third one sounds the most like you or something you and your brother would experience.